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To order directly from Tom… US buyers send check to 8387 Abbotshill Rd. San Diego, CA 92123 for $14 + $3 shipping = $17 total. Calif buyers $15.08 (including CA tax) + $3 shipping = $18.08.  Thank you.

Tom’s Poetry: From Back When to Right Now – Order directly from AMAZON

Titillating Tales from the Outhouse and Other Perky Poetic Adventures Order directly from AMAZON

Fun on the Job: Amusing and true tales from Rosie-the-Riveters to Rocket Scientists at a Major Aerospace Company. Order from AMAZON.

Say It Like Shakespeare, the Bard’s Timeless Tips for Communication Success, 2nd edition (Presentations Press). Order directly from AMAZON

The Curious Adventures of Santa’s Wayward Elves, 2014 (Xlibris). Order from

Outdoors San Diego: Hiking, Biking & Camping (Premier, 2004). Order directly from AMAZON 

ON THE ROAD IN ’68, A Year of Turmoil, A Journey of Friendship. Order from AMAZON (soft cover & Kindle e-book)

How To Prepare, Stage & Deliver Winning Presentations, 3rd Edition, 2004 (AMACOM). Order directly from AMAZON (soft cover & Kindle e-book)

Say It Like Shakespeare: How to Give a Speech Like Hamlet, Persuade Like Henry V and Other Secrets from the World’s Greatest Communicator, 1st edition (McGraw-Hill). Order directly from AMAZON