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This new edition of McGraw-Hill’s original widely-praised book* provides a tune-up for enhancing communications success in business and personal worlds. As the Bard of Avon put it 4+ centuries ago “No man is lord of anything ‘til he communicate his parts to others.”
To succeed in business, communicating with colleagues, upper management, customers (real or potential), the general public and others along the way is a key factor in landing that job and then doing it well. That may involve multiple modes of communication: interpersonal, written, speaking to groups (informal and high-stakes presentations), participating in meetings, and more recently via internet (e-mail, social media, webinars and more each day).
“As a financial executive, now retired, I was constantly amazed at how the Bard’s words applied so well to the business world. Tom’s 2nd edition highlights many of these in a vivid and valuable manner. A must read.” Alex Sandie, President-Founder of San Diego Shakespeare Society
Here you’ll learn from the Bard’s memorable communicators, such as Henry V to inspire his Band of Brothers, Marc Antony transforming attitudes of his “Friends and Romans.” Cleopatra to remind us not to shoot the messenger (and even Falstaff to shape up his band of scoundrels). Pithy examples from current day executives, politicians, and personalities sharply demonstrate ways to tune up (or mess up) communication prowess.
“In my various activities as a management executive, I know well the importance of good communication in the business world. Tom Leech’s 2nd Edition of Say It Like Shakespeare provides sound approaches for improving communication in its various modes. He makes them ring strongly with many current examples (successes and goofs) matched with Shakespeare’s amazingly relevant and memorable quotes (and weaving them into fun poems provides vivid reminders). I’ll be recommending it to my work team for sure.” Shirley Adams, former President San Diego Chapter of AFCEA (Armed Forces Communications & Electronics Association)
“As a trainer and workplace expert, with backgrounds in theatre and corporate worlds, I found this especially intriguing. Linking the Bard’s memorable quotes to today’s world provides valuable communication tips in a style that stimulates and enlightens. A fun read that stirs even more appreciation for the Bard’s words and lessons.” Kit Goldman, President Workplace Training Network, Inc.
Specifics: From Presentations Press December 2013. $14.00 softcover (Kindle e-book ), 332 pages. ISBN-10: 0981-769-314 * Original full title: Say It Like Shakespeare: How to Give a Speech like Hamlet, Persuade like Henry v, and Other Secrets from the World’s Greatest Communicator, McGraw-Hill (2001)
Say It Like Shakespeare: How to Give a Speech like Hamlet, Persuade like Henry V, and Other Secrets from the World’s Greatest Communicator, (McGraw-Hill 2001)
“No man is lord of anything…Till he communicate his parts to others.”
For over four centuries, celebrated communicators in many fields have found inspiration and guidance in Shakespeare’s immortal comedies, dramas and sonnets. Inspired by the Bard’s genius and written by one of the nation’s leading authorities on public speaking and business communication, SAY IT LIKE SHAKESPEARE will entertain you while providing valuable lessons on what it takes to be a successful communicator, whether in the workplace or in personal life.
Triggered by the Bard’s pithy examples, insights, and witticisms, the expert advice from SAY IT LIKE SHAKESPEARE covers all key aspects of face-to-face communication. Whether your goal is to occupy a corner office or a political one, to win a contract or a beloved, SAY IT LIKE SHAKESPEARE offers you an unparalleled opportunity to learn from the all-time master communicator how to:
Triggered by the Bard’s pithy examples, insights, and witticisms, the expert advice from SAY IT LIKE SHAKESPEARE covers all key aspects of face-to-face communication. Whether your goal is to occupy a corner office or a political one, to win a contract or a beloved, SAY IT LIKE SHAKESPEARE offers you an unparalleled opportunity to learn from the all-time master communicator how to:
“Well-written and more interesting than most biz-speak guides…It’s laudable that Leech did something more interesting than most business authors, so as a change of pace, picking up this one may just fare thee well.” Presentations Magazine
“Tom’s book is GREAT!!!!. His writing style is so concise, practical and easy to understand. Using quotes from Shakespeare just added to the enjoyment of reading this book. The information is very valuable for any one in any type of organization. I am VERY IMPRESSED!!!! It is full of great ideas and tips on how to handle any communications situation in a business setting. Being a professional in the communication field, I wish I had read this material years ago.” Gerald W. Lung, Associate Director of the Center for Organizational Resources
“A tremendous achievement in so many ways, not the least of which being the introduction of Shakespeare to kids. The book is such a delight and so filled with undeniable truths that I’m sure it will penetrate even through to politicians, attorneys and top managers.” Gloria Goforth, Communications Consultant